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海洋科学与技术学院张议文, 赴德国、芬兰,参加学术会议(访问)公示

2023-07-07  点击:[]

Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland





姓名 职务/职称

张议文 /讲师



时间 到达国家或地区 住宿城市 活动内容

2023-09-20 德国 柏林 Departure from Beijing by air, arrive Berlin

2023-09-21 德国 柏林 Exchange the data from German, Finnish and Chinese lakes

2023-09-22 德国 柏林 Exchange the basic results from the project

2023-09-23 德国 柏林 Discussion on the academic achievement and potential collaborations in future

2023-09-24 德国 柏林 Seminar from group Ph D students

2023-09-25 德国 柏林 Visiting Germany studied lakes

2023-09-26 德国 柏林 Discussion on the academic achievement and potential collaborations in future

2023-09-27 德国 柏林 Discussion on the academic achievement and potential collaborations in future

2023-09-28 德国 柏林 Discussion on the academic achievement and potential collaborations in future

2023-09-29 德国 柏林 Arrive Berlin again

2023-09-30 芬兰 赫尔辛基 From Berlin to Helsinki  by ferry or by plane

2023-10-01 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Departure from Germany to Finland by air or ferry and arrival to Finland

2023-10-02 芬兰 赫尔辛基 From Helsinki to Lammi by train and bus

2023-10-03 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Discussions about the future of Finnish-Chinese mobility and students exchange program after 2023

2023-10-04 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Data analyses of the Chinese lakes (ice-physics in particular)

2023-10-05 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Data analyses of the Chinese lakes (ice-physics in particular)

2023-10-06 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Data analyses of the Finnish lakes (ice-physics and ecology in particular)

2023-10-07 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Data analyses of the Finnish lakes (ice-physics and ecology in particular)

2023-10-08 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Discussions with the Finnish mobility member Dr. Jussi Huotari in Vantaa

2023-10-09 芬兰 赫尔辛基 Discussions with the Finnish mobility member Dr. Jussi Huotari in Vantaa

2023-10-10 行程中 交通工具 Return to Shanghai from Helsinki by plane

去程路线: 北京-阿姆斯特丹(中转)-柏林 回程路线: 赫尔辛基-上海


IGB is Germany’s largest and one of the leading international research centers for freshwater and seeks to understand the fundamental processes governing freshwater and their biotic communities. The IGB's research findings help to tackle global environmental changes and to develop measures for sustainable water management.

Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki serves as a centre for a variety of high-quality biological research, carries out environmental monitoring, and offers facilities for visiting scientists, field courses and seminars. The brackish water environment, characterised by vast archipelagos with high habitat complexity and, provides an excellent representation of the Baltic Sea ecosystem and serves as a meaningful comparison to other coastal ecosystems in Europe.




姓名 国际旅费 住宿费 伙食费 公杂费 其他费用 合计

张议文 20000人民币 2950欧元 1260欧元 820欧元 7000人民币+200人民币+2000人民币 29200人民币+5030欧元

经费账号 经费负责人 报销人姓名

1102-07060005 李志军 张议文

1102-08020013 李志军 张议文

对上述情况有任何意见,请联系 张老师  。(本单位外事秘书)

